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Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:34 pm.

Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, Keith Jacobs, James Viadero and Chairman Giannini
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Officer Steve Ketchum, 2 members of the press and one member of the public.

Selection, discussion and vote on Police Commission Chairman and Vice-Chairman -
Commissioner Budd nominated Duane Giannini as Chairman. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Commissioner Viadero nominated Brain Budd as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: James Walsh, North Branch Road, wished Commissioners, the Chief, the Captain, and the Department a Happy New Year.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2010: Commissioner Viadero made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting Tuesday, December 7, 2010, as corrected. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Page 3, under the Captain’s Report, Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report – should be Report for November 2010 not October 2010.
Page 3, under Unfinished Business, Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission, Crosswalk Safety Commissioner Walczak moved to approve the Glover/ Queen Street Stop sign not the Glover/ Queen Street Crosswalk.
Page 4, under New Business, Discussion and comments on request for crosswalk at the Library, Main Street, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence – The sentence should read, “ Commissioner Budd expressed his concern about mid-block crosswalks where speeds can reach 45 or 50 mph.” not “He expressed his concern. . .”

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010: Commissioner Viadero made the motion to accept the minutes of the special meeting Thursday, December 16, 2010, as corrected. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Change: Page 2, under Patrol Cars – Chief Kehoe said they are requesting 4 new patrol cars for 2011 – 2012 not 6 new patrol cars

Personnel - Hiring - Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that the department will be holding a written test Saturday, January 15, 2011 at Newtown High School. He said they are accepting applications from new candidates – 77 so far, and reviewing the applications of certified officers as well. The Chief noted that Canine Baro had been re-deployed and assigned to the new K-9 Officer Felicia Figol. Budget – Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that the reports were included in their packets for their review. He reported that the Department is halfway through the year and has used approximately 49% of the budget. General Fund Account Balances – the Chief direction the Commissioners’ attention to the packets informing them that each account has its own ledger. Over-Time Budget Report – the Chief noted that the department was doing well. Chairman Giannini added the department was doing well with OT given the level of staffing.
Fleet – The Chief indicated as he had before that the Department ordered 4 new cars and expects them in May or June. Training Report – Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that a copy was in their packets.
Letters of Gratitude – The Chief said he received three letters of gratitude copies of which were in the packets. Letters were for Officer McCarthy, Officer Figol and Sgt. Kullgren. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe reported that he had received several correspondences. Correspondences were from the following: the State Traffic Commission (STC) regarding the Center Street Bridge; the STC final report regarding Advanced Fusion Systems and what it is asking AFS to do; the STC’s approval of the speed limit signs; the Key Rock Road Report from Officer Ketchum; the Edmond Road relocation.
Key Rock Road Report – Officer Ketchum handed a copy of his report out to Commissioners and reviewed his findings with them, highlighting the data they had extrapolated. He noted that the data was primarily collected to determine the speed and volume of traffic on Key Rock Road and what affect the speed tables were having. His findings determined that the speed of traffic was nearly cut in half when the tables were in place.  Officer Ketchum noted that the data was collected in the same location to ensure consistency. He reported that only some of the volume was lost.
Commissioner Walczak said based on the findings in the report he calculated the amount of volume lost at 10%.
Officer Ketchum noted that there were other variables to consider. He noted that the posted speed limit on the road was changed between the time the baseline data was collected their baseline data and the time they collected the data after the speed tables were in place.
Commissioners and Officer Ketchum agreed, regarding the loss in volume, that some motorists may be taking the obvious alternate route of Boggs Hill Road to access lower Fairfield County instead of Key Rock Road.
Chief Kehoe noted that the speed tables were up for over a month. Chairman Giannini added that the game plan all along was to put the speed tables up to get an analysis.
Commissioner Budd suggested that for future reference they need to determine what the maximum distance apart the speed tables are placed and still have a calming effect.
Commissioner Jacobs asked if there were any issues with emergency vehicles. Chairman Giannini said he met with the Fire Department and Fred Hurley and asked them to test the speed tables He added that they have not heard anything back. The Chairman stated that they need to be more diligent when they do the data gathering and to always do it during the same period or statistically smooth the data. Chairman Giannini stressed that if they do decide to put the Speed Tables up again in the spring there will be a meeting before hand to determine test protocol.
Edmond Road Relocation – According to Chief Kehoe, First Selectman Pat Llodra wants a letter from the Board of Police Commissioners and the Chief regarding the high priority to get funds available to relocate Edmond Road especially since properties have been vacated in that area. Chairman Giannini noted that any comments Commissioners have he would be happy to include them in that letter. He noted that they should email them to the Chief. Chief Kehoe added that he wants to send it out within a week.
Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief reported that everything was status quo regarding Space Needs,
 CAD/RMS, Accreditation, and Management/Labor Relations. Commissioner Budd asked if the Chief had any concerns that 97% of their computer budget was used up and the Chief responded that the percentage used was basically contractual. Student Police Academy – Chief Kehoe announced they will be holding the Student Police Academy beginning February 3, 2011.

Incident Analysis Report for December 2010 – Captain Rios stated that there was nothing significant to report. Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcement for December 2010Motor Vehicle activity – the Captain reported that there was a 67% increase in motor vehicle activity from December 2009 to December 2010. He said kudos to those who stepped up the enforcement increase.  DUI activity – Captain Rios informed Commissioners they finished the year with 70 DUIs as opposed to 75 DUIs the year before. Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report for December 2010 – The Captain reported that Officer Silver was assigned the traffic unit. Monthly Detective Division Report for December 2010 – Captain Rios indicated they had a big squad meeting in Newtown with such agencies as Ridgefield, Brookfield and the State Police Department. He noted that Detectives Joudy and McAnaspie brought it together. DUI Grant – Checkpoint, extra holiday patrols - The Captain concluded that they held a check point on December 17, 2010 for 7.5 hours between 8 pm and 3:30 am at Wasserman Way and Trades Lane. He noted that with the 1496 cars that went through the check point they made one DUI arrest and issued a couple of hundred motor vehicle warnings.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) –Glover and Queen Street crosswalk and stop sign – Chairman Giannini reported that he and Commissioner Walczak had not had a chance to meet. He noted that he had met with Mrs. Llodra. He said she was very interested in looking at Queen Street and Glover area. The Chairman noted that Public Works Director Fred Hurley had come up with some historical data. He noted that he had told Mrs. Llodra they had put money into their budget to look into traffic engineering. Chairman Giannini told Commissioners that they were not forgetting about the Glover and Queen Street crosswalk and stop sign, but that they will revisit it. Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Commissioner Viadero reported that everything is status quo. Labor (Employee Relations) (Commissioners Jacobs and Viadero) –Commissioner Viadero indicated that there was nothing new to report and said he needs to make contact with the new interim Police Union President. Chief Kehoe noted that the interim President just became President.

Discussion and consideration on request for changing Underhill Road to one way traffic –  Officer Ketchum started by handing out a copy of his report on Underhill Road to Police Commissioners. According to Officer Ketchum, the inquiry began when they received a single letter of complaint from a resident. He explained that the resident complained about the roadway width, high rates of speed and not enough room for two cars to pass. Officer Ketchum indicated that the resident suggested that the road be changed to one way. With that in mind, Officer Ketchum told Commissioners that Sgt Kullgren and he discovered that Underhill Road was a private road and that the Town of Newtown is anticipating to accept ownership of Under Hill Road and 10 or 15 other roads in the riverside community within the next couple of weeks. Officer Ketchum said one of his primary concerns was the response of emergency vehicles if the road became one way. He said he contacted Bill Halstead, Fire Marshall and Fire Chief of Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue; Megan Posey, Newtown Ambulance Association; Kathy Hidec, Emergency Services; and Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works; and none of them voiced any concerns. Officer Ketchum noted that after reviewing the matter he suggests that the entire roadway not be made one way, but rather the Northern most section from the intersection of Round Hill Road to Alpine Drive. He added that the section of road is approximately 880 ft. in long. Officer Ketchum told Commissioners he did a five year accident study and there were two side-swipe accidents in that area. He also noted that there were two other side-swipe accidents in the area but they involved parked vehicles.
Commissioner Walczak said he questioned that if the Town takes the roads whether they will upgrade them to minimal standards and noted that if Under Hill Road was upgraded the speed won’t be 15 mph.
Chief Kehoe told Commissioner Walczak he brought up a good point, but said if they don’t have the space from edge to edge it would not be done. He added that you may not need it one way if its brought up to standards.
Chairman Giannini suggests there may be DOT issues.
Officer Ketchum urged Police Commissioners to go out and drive the road. He stressed that there was one particular blind knoll on the road and the area is very narrow. Officer Ketchum indicated that it would be difficult for the Town to upgrade the area to a two lane roadway without taking parts of people’s homes and porches. He informed Commissioners that the State DOT would be refurbishing the bridges over Center Street and indicated that they would use Underhill Road as a temporary detour. He added that the DOT is anticipating removal of the main steel girders during off-peak hours so Center Street might only be closed between the hours of 8pm and 8 am for a couple of hours. Officer Ketchum said the question remains would it make sense to make a section of Underhill Road one way and then have to temporarily make it two-way again when it is used as a temporary detour. He noted that vehicle counts on the road weekdays in October 2010 were 84 per day at Round Hill Road and 141 at Alpine Drive.
Chairman Giannini believed that the traffic was primarily residents who live in that area.
Officer Ketchum noted that there are only 27 residential dwellings in the affected area and 7 on Round Hill Road which is a dead end. He added that the road is so narrow the school won’t even send buses down it. Officer Ketchum concluded noting that he spoke to several residents who gave him positive feedback regarding the section of the road potentially becoming one way.
Chief Kehoe commended Officer Ketchum for sticking with it.
Chairman Giannini indicated that he wants to get in touch with the author of the original letter to let him know the Board is looking into the matter. He suggested the matter be tabled until they do and until they obtain a report from Fred Hurley and the Town in regards to taking control of the road. The Chairman also recognized Officer Ketchum for his work.



COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Giannini read a letter into the record from Boggs Hill Road resident Joyce DeWolfe dated December 31, 2010, and asked that a copy of the letter be attached to the evening’s minutes.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Discussion and possible action upon strategy and negotiations with regard to commencing a disciplinary action against an employee – Chairman Giannini made the motion to go into executive session at 9 pm for the purpose of discussing strategy and negotiations with regard to commencing a disciplinary action against an employee. He invited Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

The Clerk left the meeting at this time.

Police Commissioners exited executive session at 9:27 pm and adjourned the meeting.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

Schedule of upcoming Board of Police Commissioners’ meetings for 2011: February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6, and January 3, 2012

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.